SkyCity Reopens Another Casino

Elouise Spencer - 01 July 2020

Good news is that New Zealand-headquartered operator SkyCity Entertainment Group is officially doing business after an extended period of closure in Adelaide, Australia. The operator recently got to reopen the doors to its Adelaide Casino when Australia moved into the next phase of its economic reopening schedule in an attempt to restart the country’s economy.

Not unlike the approach the group recently followed at its New Zealand operation, SkyCity’s Adelaide-based casino will welcome its players back in a staged way so as to ensure the safety of its players and its employees.

Safety Measures To Be Applied

The staged reopening will include several precautionary health and safety measures. These include reduced business hours, the enforcement of physical distancing rules and guidelines, and limitations applied to the number of players allowed around games tables and pokies machines. Enhanced public and personal hygiene protocols are also being actioned all throughout the casino facility, the group has confirmed.

On-site restaurants and beverage stores will also be permitted to reopen. The operator has however confirmed having implemented a system aimed at supporting the tracing of contacts in the event that either a customer or employer were to become ill. The system will rely on surveillance technology, the keeping of up-to-date guest registers, and the use of loyalty cards and identity scanning technology.

Guidelines pertaining to effective physical distancing measures dictate that only one customer be allowed to occupy every two square metres of an enclosed building at any given time. This means that SkyCity’s Adelaide Casino will be permitted to host roughly 2,200 people at once – staff included.

Staged Approach Is Critical

Southern Australia’s recent move to Phase 3 of the country’s reopening schedule also happens to be the last phase in the re-launch process. This means that the restrictions previously implemented for the sake of protecting the health of the state’s residents will over the course of the coming weeks be relaxed in a staggered manner. A staged approach is necessary so as to prevent a second and possibly even third wave of infections. The casino and entertainment industries have been of the hardest hit industries of all and will as such very likely not prove financially tenacious enough so as to survive more future closures.

SkyCity Group has in the meantime declared its recent share placement process a success and one strongly supported by shareholders and outside investors alike.

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